"The Young Ones·Fearless" serves bet365 live online casino as the promotional video for the 2024 enrollment of China Normal University,It not only expresses the insistence on exploring the context of "Mr."、Admiration for inheriting the tradition of normal school,Also expresses the courage to explore the unknown for the "younger generations"、Appreciation for innovation and creation。Post-generation imitation、Inspire、Mr. Beyond,Become a great gentleman worthy of important responsibilities,Wish to serve the common people,Pursuing new life,Youth Bet365 Poker is fearless,Promising achievements!
"The Young One·Fearless"
You are a descendant in the eyes of the gentleman
Harvesting in the wind and rain, expedition in the blooming flowers
Time will make you shine
Step through this door and you say I can
What is the future life
Exploring the context of Mr. Zeng’s life
History is never silent, blood runs for you
Tradition is passed down, the first generation is the next generation
The young generation dares to do something
Challenge the "no man's land" and travel to the mountains and rivers
It’s the gene you were born with
Question the unknown and dare to break the wall
It is your spirit that never slackens
Discover the source in exploration
Create in innovation
Freedom in self-discipline
It is the scenery awakened by your courage
This is also the resonance played by South China Normal University for you
Studying for truth
The new generation is the new life
The next generation is promising
To strengthen the country, we must first strengthen the religion and establish morality to establish people
It is a generous and simple mountain
You are a sapling
With deep roots, look up to the light
The clouds will roll and relax for your growth
Time will eventually give you a gift that will last forever
You imitate, inspire and transcend
Bili Qianren
Become a great gentleman worthy of important responsibilities
The greater self will be without me and the descendants will be the common people
You are a young and fearless youth
You are a new student and have great potential